Saturday, April 19, 2008


It is officially spring outside, and that is wonderful. I like the feel of a cool breeze blowing across my face even when lounging inside. It makes it feel as though all is well with the world. I feel a peace coming as spring invades the world, and it is really one of my favorite times of the year. For some reason, every time spring rolls around, it seems as though I have never experienced it before. It always seems new and exciting. I hope that continues every year.

In honor of spring, I have made and added some new spring things to my shop. I have more to add, and some new ideas to come. I hope that everyone else enjoys to pretty little things to come.

Monday, April 7, 2008

A Few More Things

I made some more things. More earrings, and now some pins. I am waiting for the rings to arrive so I can add them too. I LOVE these new designs. And since this is my blog, and I can do whatever I want, I am posting more pictures. I am hoping that a certain person who's name begins with "mere" and ends with "dith" will especially like the Meredith Pin. You can see more on etsy.