Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I had a bad dream

SO I had my first bad dream about the wedding since we got engaged. I have had bad dreams about my future wedding throughout my life. As Chris and I got closer to getting engaged, they got less and less bad, until it was really just one little detail out of place. Seems like we have started over!

So in my dream, the wedding is taking place in a dilapidated tent. Old time, like for a circus. And the other problem, there are only 5 people there. We are inviting 185. There are 15 people in our wedding party. This is bad. I realized that I didn't get a single RSVP card back, and I didn't bother to follow-up either! What was I thinking? So I started asking, is this even a real wedding? Can we even get married? What is going on!!!???? I woke up before a solution came to mind.

I guess it could have been worse.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I think we're going long

The latest conundrum involves the reception. Its been going back and forth between evening desert reception and a dinner. But of course they each have their challenges. The dessert reception requires seating for a lot of the guests, but it also turns out to be about double the price of what we can spend!

So we have gone back to our original idea which was to have an Indian restaurant cater a dinner. I think we're going for it. But the room we have will probably be tight with the guests that we have. Even though we have slashed the guest list, its still larger than we, or the room, would like.

But fret not, my two to three readers, it is going to be OK. We will be cozy, but we will fit. And I think that the solution comes in the form of the long table.

Let me explain...I always think of round tables as a wedding reception must. BUT, a long table is actually more space efficient. The good news is, that it turns out everyone is doing long tables now, and who am I to go against the trend? I think we will end up with a mix of round and long, but I think it will work beautifully. We eat, we will be merry, and we will sit at long tables in style.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Here's the thing. I get obsessed with things. I am almost always thinking constantly about one thing over and over. It might be a little thing, it might be a important big issues, but I will always have something to mull...over and over and over. For now, it always centers around the wedding. Big surprise there! For several weeks it was wedding bands. I haven't picked one as of yet, but its gone back burner on me. Right now, I am thinking about hair. I never thought too much about how I would have my hair. It suddenly occurred to me that I need to figure that out, and voile...obsession begins. So I have decided to get it out on blogger...perhaps it will help?!?

I'm going back and forth between updo and half up...I just don't know. Here are a few of my thoughts.

I really like the idea of having a beautiful comb or clip in my hair, but I'm undecided. If I were have a spring/summer wedding I would go for the flower, but I don't think I want one. The image that has the veil is about how I want to wear mine. I think that's just a really pretty's 'done' but its not too crazy. I'm sure when I meet with my girl Kristin, she will have some great ideas too.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Its been THAT long?

My how time flies...that old half marathon is long gone. Finished it in great time. Interesting to think what has transpired. My sister was pregnant, I got a super cute nephew out of it. I worked hard, got a new mini. I got engaged, and will have a awesome new husband. And now my life is pretty much consumed with working too much, and obsessing over wedding planning. I always imagined my wedding with vague detail. I didn't want to plan or dream up too many ideas because of so many unknowns. So here I am actually planning it, and I am thrown into the overwhelming world of color, paper, linens, monograms, cakes, signature this and that, hand-made, DIY, once-in-a-lifetime, documented forever, one-and-only-chance-to-get-it-all-right wedding decisions. Where is the love in all of that?

My dear friend Meredith did something wild, she got engaged and married about two weeks later. At the time I think she really felt overwhelmed, but I kind of think there was a magic about it. There were only a few people there, and there was no time to get wrapped up in the other stresses. There is something really freeing about that. But I know that there are other things that you miss out on by going the pseudo-elopement route. Still its a little enticing!

I know in the end, the whole event will be magical. It will be me marrying my BFF and celebrating with 185 people (choosing those people is a whole other world of craziness!)
And really, isn't that what its all about anyway?