Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I had a bad dream

SO I had my first bad dream about the wedding since we got engaged. I have had bad dreams about my future wedding throughout my life. As Chris and I got closer to getting engaged, they got less and less bad, until it was really just one little detail out of place. Seems like we have started over!

So in my dream, the wedding is taking place in a dilapidated tent. Old time, like for a circus. And the other problem, there are only 5 people there. We are inviting 185. There are 15 people in our wedding party. This is bad. I realized that I didn't get a single RSVP card back, and I didn't bother to follow-up either! What was I thinking? So I started asking, is this even a real wedding? Can we even get married? What is going on!!!???? I woke up before a solution came to mind.

I guess it could have been worse.


Emily said...

you poor woman! haunted by your dreams... aren't they creepy?

Jessica said...

I had dreams like that, too. In mine, the lanterns that you guys all walked down the aisle with were still not lit--even thought the music had started and the ceremony was beginning. Christine was furiously trying to light the lanterns, but they kept getting blown out. It was really weird and probably some kind of commentary on my own feelings of being out of control of the situation or overwhelmed.

Bill said...

Aunt Jean & I plan to fly up from sunny Fla. So that's 178!