TO HIRE A WEDDING COORDINATOR. It seemed like it was too luxurious. But when it comes down to it, its not that much money, and I will be at peace. I am in touch with one that sounds like she's the ticket. Someone to make sure everything is just right, so that I can have a wonderful wedding day. That sounds perfect.
I would like magical lights like this:

That sounds like a great idea especially since you will have someone there to make sure that things are running smoothly. I have been to a couple of rehearsals where no one really knew what they were doing and it was chaotic. I think the brides were very stressed out.I am all about spending a little more money if it means relaxation or comfort which are like, my two favorite things in the world.
And Merry may very well be referring to my rehearsal in her comment above; that is the one thing I wish we had done differently: hire a wedding coordinator!!! The last thing you want to do is tell people what to do on your wedding day, believe me:) this is a great idea!
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