Monday, December 28, 2009


So I really think I am losing my mind a little bit. I just sent out an email to the rehearsal participants and left out important things like...the date. I mean come on! I know, I know, I'm being hard on myself, but these are not things that I forget! Or like today when I said that a woman could file for medicare on her husband's record because she isn't insured, but he is only 59! I mean, come on Technical Expert, get with the program!!! Rookie mistake, kid.

So yeah, there are many little instances where I feel like I am losing a grip on the control over details. I have control of the details, the policies, the dates, the times, the particulars. But right now, I can't hold it all together in my tight little fist. Its part of the process...and you know, its probably good to loosen my grip. To let go and let it all happen. Chris is really taking over a lot of things, and I think I need to learn this lesson. Let him take care of me. I don't think I've let anyone do that in years...

And right now, I'm gonna publish this post, and not even proof there!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Is that a picture of a bride starting to go a little crazy? Has she shredded some tulle to bits? Pretty and intense!