Monday, July 7, 2008

Places to go

I have been thinking about travelling the last few days. Not really planning a specific trip, but pondering different places, sites and climates. I think when I start to feel trapped in any area of life, I start thinking about other countries. Wht the weather is like there, if it would be a fun place to visit or even live. It makes me feel like there are options. I have been thinking of Florence the last few days. My iPhone tells me it is sunny and 90 there-has been for the last week, and looks like it will be for awhile. So I don't want to go there now, but thhe spring or fall would be divine.

Last time I was there, it was about 8 years ago while on a backpacking adventure with a friend from college. Florence was magical. There were fireworks over the river the night we arrived, it was like nothing I have ever experienced. It was beautiful, the art was famous, the food delicious and the gelato to die for. Ahhhh. Makes me peaceful just thinking about it now.

I think I need to plan a European vacation. This time hotels and not hostels!


Jessica said...

Florence sounds amazing! I just got to San Fran and it is freezing here...

merry said...

I want to go to a magical place...and live there forever.