Monday, March 24, 2008

New Jobs

I wonder if anyone really LIKES starting a new job. I really don't like the awkwardness of not knowing exactly what and where you need to be. A promotion is sort of like that, but then add in the dynamics of jealousy, change and new roles. It is a recipe for weird. Weird things like co-workers who no longer talk to you, or supervisors (not your own) yelling at you for not doing things. Things that she has no say over, and you were specifically told not to do anymore. You can gather, there may or may not have been a few altercations up in my world. It's funny how people can be syrupy sweet to your face, and then curse you behind your back. I really don't want to be that kind of person--office politics are dumb and off devil.


Jessica said...

that sounds pretty awkward for you--but the jealousy should end as people get used to seeing you in a new position. They are just petty; you keep being you.

Emily said...

I haaaate that weird, in between, getting used to a new routine stage. tell those haters to suck it. I love you.

Caroline said...

yeah they better shut up or im coming in there!

jason j said...

you have to go in and dominate the new job and show everyone who the boss is.. Thats what I always do in every situation.. everywhere at all times b/c I am the boss..