Even a color combination will pop in my head, or I will see it in the color of a tile, or a picture, or food, or clothing, and I will HAVE to find fabric to create something similar.
Luckily, I got two new designs out of my system last week, but it was touch and go there for a day or two when I had no time to actually make what I had in my head. I feel it coming on again. I think I need to make something new today.
One thing that frustrates me about making bags is that I can't really make them irridescent and sparkly...well, I could, but they would be ugly. I wish I could translate this necklace by nutraj into a bag.

I think you should make them sparkly and irradecent! or at least try it out. maybe it won't be ugly.
Cool necklace. I love when things gnaw at me like that, it reminds that I'm a creative person. And I like that.
pretty pretty pretty!
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