Friday, February 15, 2008

My birth is the day. The first of my thirties. I think I am ok with it. Last night, not so much. It hit me hard. Like a ton of bricks. The last day, last night, of my twenties. That decade is young. It is youth. I felt as though I hadn't done enough, hadn't done everything I wanted to. I mean, I guess finishing college, two masters degrees, moving to london, getting a great paying job in my field, buying a house and starting a creative business is not considered 'enough". I realize that sounds rediculous--don't worry. I realize that I have high standards for myself, and this is good. But I think I will let myself off the hook for a little while. I have a feeling that my thirties are going to look pretty good. If these first few hours are any indication, I think I am going to feel a lot more free. I had so many deadlines on myself before, but I honestly have never thought what these next 10 years should look like, and I don't think I am going to. Lets just see what happens. I think it's gonna be good.


merry said...

it will be beyond good. Happy birth day

hpalleiko said...

Happy Birthday! My 30's have been way better than my 20s so far (I'll be 33 this year).

(oh - Hi, I'm Heather from PalleikoDesigns on Etsy)